Lunar Eclipse 10/8/14

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Lunar Eclipse 10/8/14

Post: # 17913Post wxman1976
Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:38 am

Hello All! For those who don;t know me I normally post on the foliage forum, but I thought this mornings post was relevant over here too. The October 8th full moon will be a total eclipse providing a rare opportunity for pics of foliage and an eclipse! Here is my post below!

Just a bit of information from NASA this morning:
"From the east coast of North America, totality begins at 6:25 am EDT. The Moon will be hanging low over the western horizon, probably swollen by the famous Moon illusion into a seemingly-giant red orb, briefly visible before daybreak. West-coast observers are even better positioned. The Moon will be high in the sky as totality slowly plays out between 3:25 am and 4:24 am PDT."

I can't remember a pairing of an eclipse with peak foliage. This could be a great opportunity for some rare pictures. Either that or pure LUNACY! This has been posted by me for the CRATER good of the forum! I hope you are not APOLLO'd at me for posting this, and no I'm not a GEMINI. MISSION Accomplished! Love all my friends here New and Old! :lol:
As my friend Joe Bastardi says…Enjoy the weather, it's the only weather you've got!!

Anthony DeVito BS. Meteorology Lyndon State College, Lyndonville VT 1998

Posts: 34
Joined: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:17 pm

Re: Lunar Eclipse 10/8/14

Post: # 17918Post wxman1976
Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:19 am

Your Welcome. I wanted to share because this is a really rare opportunity, but not quite. It will actually happen again next year. Sept 28th 2015 will be a total lunar eclipse. Funky how a rare event will happen in consecutive years, so if this year is a bust, well you get a second shot! Being it will be low on the western horizon you will probably have to be at a higher elevation to get a clear shot to the west. I can't wait to see the results!
As my friend Joe Bastardi says…Enjoy the weather, it's the only weather you've got!!

Anthony DeVito BS. Meteorology Lyndon State College, Lyndonville VT 1998

Posts: 449
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:01 am

Re: Lunar Eclipse 10/8/14

Post: # 17969Post deaner1971
Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:43 am

Oooooh, now I have to start thinking about how to use this. I will be arriving at Gettysburg in the middle of the night on the 7th/8th and shooting from about 5 AM in order to get some good shots using the full moon in some parts of the park that are publicly accessible prior to sunrise. I was hoping to use its illumination while it was higher in the sky and then include it in shots as it got lower to the ground.

This adds a whole new element... Very exciting but, so much pressure when something is rare as this is.

Any insights from folks on use of the moon in images in general? I have the luxury of using both objects (statues, etc...) and landscapes so, all ideas are welcome!

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