Delorme or Jimapco

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Delorme or Jimapco

Post: # 6052Post azeez_a
Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:09 pm

I searched for Jimapco atlas for vermont at Amazon and got the following result -
Vermont Atlas & Gazetteer by David Delorme

Is this the same? Or should I just buy this? If not, is there another online place to buy this?


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Post: # 6055Post pwt54
Wed Oct 03, 2007 4:51 pm

Jimmapco is easier to read, but Delorme and Northern Cartagraphic have more features and information about covered bridges. If you are coming for just color then any of them work well. If you are also looking for covered bridges, hiking trails and geological features like waterfalls then Delorme is the one you want. Just don't try to read it on the fly. I have both Delorme and Jimmapco in my car.

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