photo trip fall season

Discussions on Equipment, Locations and Tips for getting the photographs you want of Vermont scenes.Note: You must be registered in order to post. If you have trouble registering, use the contact us form on Scenes of Vermont's home page.

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photo trip fall season

Post: # 15737Post enriquemmerino
Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:24 am

I would like to know if there is some travel agency who organizes a photographic trip of the foliage season in vermont for amateur photographers.
Also a guide bokk on this matter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,

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Re: photo trip fall season

Post: # 15742Post autzig
Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:33 am

You can take a trip with Vermont Photo Tours. They charge $500 per day for up to three people. Andy's book is a lot cheaper and will take you to all the best places.


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Re: photo trip fall season

Post: # 15754Post Andy
Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:17 pm

Enrique: If you just "Google" Vermont Photo Workshops, You will find some local ones. I know several other popular "workshop holders" travel to Vermont each Fall, too. I think pro David Middleton holds one. Another guy, named Joe Rossbach from the DC area also holds one (wouldn't recommend him, but you might like it). Also, these two look reasonably priced and interesting:

http://www.vermontphotographicworkshop. ... alan.shtml# (Kurt Budliger) I have seen Kurt's work and he is a good shooter himself.

Looked at the group Al mentioned and the website looks pretty low-tech, and the overall quality of the photos, not great. Doesn't mean they don'g take you to some spectacular places, but not a great marketing presentation in my view.

I also think the comment made earlier, that you are probably too late for this year, is probably true. Most of those workshops sell out long before now.

If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .

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Re: photo trip fall season

Post: # 15757Post deaner1971
Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:32 pm

I second Andy's recommendations.

I am also a big fan or Mr. Budliger's work. Not that all great photographeras are great teachers (or vice versa) but it never hurts to have someone teaching you whose skills you admire. A small thing perhaps but I also like that the workshop website shows a woman shooting with a near-DSLR and not a guy shooting top of the line gear. It tells you that they approach this with a "all are welcome" mentality.

He also does some tremendous fly fishing photography so you have to think that macro isn't off the table either.

His site is here:

I do believe he recently had an entire article written about him in Outdoor Photography, again, for what that is worth.

And yes, get Andy's aforementioned book. A book like Andy's is a great follow-up to a photography workshop because it keeps the "guided" portion of what is great about a workshop but also let's you have some time to digest the recently gained insights on your own.

If you need the pieces that a travel agent would give you but that are above and beyond the workshop (where to stay, where to dine, what to do, etc...), this gang (the regulars on the boards) is great for that. Between the lot of us, we pretty much have the state covered from Massachusetts to Canada and from the lake to the river.

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