Critique #10

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Critique #10

Post: # 14892Post autzig
Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:43 pm

Here's a photo I made early one winter morning from above Lake Superior at Split Rock Light House. I've looked at it many times and I'm just not sure about it. I found it interesting because of the blue open water that meets the ice. The texture there is caused by ice flows that crash into the frozen lake which creates mounds of ice. There is no particular subject here, just a very nice winter scene.




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Re: Critique #10

Post: # 14893Post markm
Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:01 am

Overall nice picture to look at.

I like the color contrast between the blue and white. I like the texture effect from the snow/ice buildup. It creates an interesting view to wonder what is really happening there.
The land area with trees provides a nice break from having just water, snow, and sky.
Just the right amount of sky in the pic to highlight the water and shoreline. The shoreline is very eye catching as well with it's perspective and design pattern.
Nice straight horizon line.

It's a keeper!

Thanks for sharing the image here

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Re: Critique #10

Post: # 14894Post Andy
Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:41 pm

Al: I have a number of these in my arsenal. Winter scenes are, in my view, very difficult to capture in a way that has photographic impact. While snow can be the great equalizer, it can also create vast expanses of -- other than "texture" -- uninteresting or "negative" space.

I also think that in these images, the need for a "subject" is almost greater than in images that have other elements that stand on their own.

In my opinion, this is one of those I would probably not print or display. There is an awful lot of "space" between snow, sky and water. While there are contrasts between the two different blues, the white and the reddish vegetation, in my view, not enough to make it dramatic or compelling. Maybe if there was a more dramatic sky, or if there were crashing waves or something.

In the words of an old, old, acquaintance, this one just doesn't "send me" :-).

If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .

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Re: Critique #10

Post: # 14896Post autzig
Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:28 pm

Mark and Andy, you've both stated the reasons I said I'm not sure about this photo.

I like it for the reasons Mark likes it but there just seems to be too much open space as Andy describes. How about more of a panoramic shot like this?



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Re: Critique #10

Post: # 14897Post markm
Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:16 am

It looks OK to me!

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Re: Critique #10

Post: # 14898Post bbolding
Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:18 am

Andy's comments on pano
"The best camera, is the one you have with you"

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