Aerial Photography

Discussions on Equipment, Locations and Tips for getting the photographs you want of Vermont scenes.Note: You must be registered in order to post. If you have trouble registering, use the contact us form on Scenes of Vermont's home page.

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Aerial Photography

Post: # 13261Post faxmachineanthem
Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:55 am

One of the frustrations as a landscape photographer is when a great view is blocked by trees or other obstructions and you can't get enough elevation to get the shot. Ansel Adams' sometimes took photographs from a platform on top of his car to get around this problem. I came across this Vermont photography business that solves the problem using a tethered blimp and a radio-controlled camera. Pretty interesting! This could really enable you to get some unique shots that nobody else has. ... 7413_QE2wN

Click on "How we do it" to see..... well, how they do it.

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Re: Aerial Photography

Post: # 13295Post Andy
Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:49 pm

Cool, Fax: I saw another thing about this recently on one of the forums I frequent. But doesn't it seem a little like cheating :lol: ? Next thing you know we will be dialing up a website and taking all our photos from our seats on the couch with our laptops. :mrgreen:

If it sounds too good to be true, its probably . . . .

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Re: Aerial Photography

Post: # 13422Post deaner1971
Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:40 am

Maybe if the US sells some excess drones, that will be the way it ends up. I'll just replace the air-to-ground missles with a couple of Sony DSLRs and replace the term "vacations" in my vocabulary with "sorties"... :D

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