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Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:21 am
by karenfromtexas
We will be visiting Vermont from the 3 to the 8 of October. Staying in Burlington, but we are planning to drive as much of the state as we can. My question is probably silly, but,,, I've noticed that it is predicted to rain alot in the next few days.. does that affect the leaves staying on the trees? Does it affect the color, or is the temperature the main affect. We will be riding the Vermonter Amtrak to and from Burlington, so I'm excited that we will see things south to north that will help us with our driving plans. thanks to all for this site.. it has been most helpful and thanks in advance for answering my question.

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:52 pm
by GIC
Hi karenfromtexas. This is GIC from East Texas, been living in New England for over ten years. Here is the straight shoot as I see it. Fall foliage is lagging behind by approximately 10 days. The reason for this delay is it has been unseasonably warm and still is as of this post. Now that being known, the unknown can really change the foliage almost over night. By that if we get some good temperature drops at any time in the next few days the foliage will be of good color by your arrival of Oct 3rd. It is forecasted this week for some areas of Vermont to drop again in to the mid to upper 30’s. These temperatures should turn the color index up a notch. As you indicated there is some rain forecasted for this week. Rain is good as long as it is not a hard rain and no high winds.
Rain, mist, and fog make great settings of picture taking.
Remember no one can really predict the outcome of the foliage season. It is a hit or miss subject. I believe you will see some great color during your time in Vermont. I suggest that you focus on the north to northeast regions of Vermont. Keep reading the forum for reports as some other members might report conditions through out the week.
Good luck and enjoy the season.

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:31 am
by pwt54
We don't worry about heavy rainfall until after the leaves have changed colors. Foliage does seem behind right now. I haven't been able to ride around this weekend but route 100 north of route 15 have early colors as weel as route 12 between Morrisville and Worcester.

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:52 am
by karenfromtexas
Thanks so much to all who replied. I just can't wait to get there!

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:11 am
by karenfromtexas
Well, we are here! The Amtrak ride from DC was great.. and after having a nice meal last nite we got some good sleep and hit the road today. We drove from South Burlington on 2 to 100 to Stowe. After a great couple of hours in Stowe, we took 108 thru Smuggler's Notch to Jeffersonville. Then 15 back to Burlington.
I guess between having low expectations because of the weather, and of course not being a native northeasterner,,, I was pleasantly surprised by the color we did encounter. (Although this is the 8th year in a row that I have spent in the northeast in the fall.)
I'm not sure what drive I'll do tomorrow, but I do know that at some point this week I will reverse today's route (late in the day) so as to get the sun shining from behind me instead of in front of me. Being a photographer, I should have known better today.
Thanks for all the good ideas and drives that you all write about... I have lots to do the next few days!!! I'll write tomorrow nite.... yeah fall! It's definitely better than being in Austin, TX!!!

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:49 am
by pwt54
Route 109 between routes 108 in Jeffersonville and route 118 in Belvidere is showing good color right now. There are covered bridges on route 109. The first is in Waterville Village on the street across from the "church" with the clock. The second is right next to the road on the right side. the third is about 7/10s of a mile north of that bridge on the Codding Hollow Road. Continue route 109 north and look for the Waterville elementary school on the right. About a mile past the school you come to a small community. As you go across the bridge look to the left for the Back Road. Take that road to the next covered bridge. Drive through the bridge and continue the Back Road to the last covered bridge. Now, you can continue the Back Road to the end on route 109 and turn left. Or you can drive through the covered bridge back to route 109 and turn left. Finish route 109 north to route 118 and turn right. Route 118 was great yesterday. There is a pond about a mile from the intersection. There may be a photo opportunity there. Continuing route 118 this way will take you to route 100 in Eden. Turning around and going back past route 109 will take you to Montgomery and it's covered bridges. There is a covered bridge on the South Brook Road to Hutchins Road. The South Brook Road is about 7 miles north of route 109 and on the left side. There is a sign that says Godfrey's Sugarhouse about 500 feet before the road. Drive route 118 through Montgomery Center to Montgomery. As you come into the village look for the village green on the right and you will see the next bridge. There is a bright red maple tree beside it. Go back to route 118 and turn right. Drive about 300 feet and look for the Comstock Road on the left side. Drive through the covered bridge and onto route 118 and turn left. NOW, the next covered bridge is tricky to get to and is "way out there". If you don't want to do a long drive on a dirt road or if it's raining you may want to skip this one and continue route 118 to the last 2 covered bridges. They are next to the road and on the left side. If you are feeling frisky, here goes. After you turn left off the Comstock Road you will see a road on the left called the Hill West Road. Drive past this road, over the bridge and turn left onto the West Hill Road. You are now leaving civilization as we know it. Drive up this road until you come to a 4 way intersection with the Enosburg Mountain Road on the right and the Creamery Bridge Road on the Left. Turn left onto the Creamery Bridge Road. Look for a parking area on the left and park there and walk the last 200 feet to the bridge. All of the covered bridges in Montgomery were built by the Jewett Brothers, Their mill was just down stream. Go back to the intersection of West Hill road. Decision time. If you have had enough, turn right to get back to route 118 and Civilization. If it's a nice day and you like the ride so far, turn left and continue up the West Hill Road. Look for a road on the left just past the cemetery and turn left onto that road. Drive it to the end at the Hill West Road( yes, that one) and turn left to get back to route 118. Good views on this ride and usually good colors. At route 118 turn left for the last 2 covered bridges. (I'm getting typer's cramps)

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:05 pm
by karenfromtexas
Thank you pwt54 and innkeeper. I left this morning without checking this post, so didn't get your alls suggestions til tonight... but... I will print them out and put them in the mix tomorrow. I did some variations on both of the drives today: Leaving burlington again on 2 to Taft Corners then 2A to 15. just past Jericho, I found a road ( I believe it is Lower Valley Road..) to Underhill Center, Pleasant Valley, to Jeffersonville. Then 109 (where I had a great visit and portrait session with some cows!) to 118 to Jay's Peak, then 101 to 100,to Stowe,(dinner at the Green Mountain Inn, in the tavern (yum!)), then to Burlington. So, I did not take 118 all the way to Montgomery... but I think I can do that either tomorrow or Friday.
I did pass a lake in Eden... a little late in the day, the sun had just gone behind the mts., so I missed what I expect were beautiful reflections, but I am planning to go back tomorrow.
INNKEEPER:.. is there foliage around Island Pond lake? According to my map there seems to be a road that goes completely around that lake...
THANK YOU PWT54 re: all the covered bridges.. they are my favorite and I plan on seeing them tomorrow or Friday. I hope to get a really early start tomorrow... Obviously, it looks like I am going to concentrate on the northern parts of Vermont... I do get to Conn and Mass every now and then so I guess my thinking is that I can do exploring of Southern Vermont at other times of the year... unless you happen to know of something that I should absolutely see this time around. I did have dinner a couple of months ago at the Woodstock Inn... I was driving thru and made a detour there so I could see it, but spent no time in the actual town.. should I make time to do that Friday?? My train leaves Burlington first thing Saturday morning so tomorrow and Friday are it for this Fall. OK off to bed I go. Thank you again so much for all your suggestions. I do so appreciate it.

Re: Vermont Oct. 3 - 8

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:42 am
by pwt54
Do it today!!! Heavy rain on Friday.