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NEK Report 9/27 - the Last Day of Heat

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:27 pm
by From_the_NEK
It is very hot and humid again here in the NEK today. The leaves have continued to stagnate their color change. This afternoon the cold front is supposed to go through with some potentially severe storms (and high winds :( ). The saving grace is that I think most of the leaves that had changed have fallen off and most the remaining leaves should hold on.
I got out this morning for a bit. I took advantage of the warm weather to photograph some small falls along the stream that runs along the South Wheelock Rd in Lyndon. It is not every fall that you can wade around in these mountain streams at the end of September and not freeze your legs. It was actually quite refreshing :lol:

ImageStream and Leaves 1 by Tim_NEK, on Flickr

ImageStream and Leaves 2 by Tim_NEK, on Flickr

I must have taken 50 photos trying to get this shot (that I'm still not completely happy with). I really needed an assistant to release the leaf while I kept the camera focused and released the shutter at the required moment.
ImageStream and Leaves 4 by Tim_NEK, on Flickr

Re: NEK Report 9/27 - the Last Day of Heat

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:39 pm
by From_the_NEK
The wind is kind of hitting a reset button on the leaves this afternoon. The cooked leaves are being blown off leaving a lot of green. Unfortunately that means roughly 25% of the leaves are gone already. However not all is lost, the remaining leaves should be able to put on a show over the next week or two.
And this is just my report for the Lyndonville area. Other areas that didn't have as much early color change should be in better shape going forward.

Re: NEK Report 9/27 - the Last Day of Heat

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:50 pm
by ctyanky
Tim: these photos are very calming. Just what I need before I leave tomorrow (or Friday at 6 a.m.). Depends on how much I get done! :| Also, the photos create an image for me; I picture myself sitting on a rock squishing my feet into those little pockets of refreshing water. Ahhhhh, so damn hot still. Thanks for the pick me up! Except, leaves blowing off the trees. Not a pleasant image at all. Unfortunately, upon speaking with a forester up in Morrisville about something else, he said the same thing. Leaves that were full out in color are gone. But he remained positive the green ones were still going to recover from the heat..... One has to deal with the situation, that's all. I will be happy no matter what! :P

I hope we can meet up somewhere. I have your magazine ready for another signature! :lol: