Lake George, Pico And Killington 10-17-15

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Lake George, Pico And Killington 10-17-15

Post: # 19589Post loafer89
Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:06 am

I took a drive into New York State yesterday via I-90 and I-87 to Prospect Mountain Memorial Highway. This is a mountain in Lake George that has a roadway to 2,349' and great views of the Catskills, Adirondacks and Green Mountains. The foliage was peak with the non Oaks, but green for the Oaks.

Lake George:


Looking further north on Lake George:


We drove north to Fort Ticonderoga and then drove south bound on NYS22 which had beautiful foliage and peak color conditions. We went home via Route 4 to Pico/Killington. Rutland has peak foliage conditions, but Killington/Pico are past peak.





The weather featured a lot of clouds and snow showers, not the best for foliage photography.

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